The club
Helsingin Wushu has been teaching Chinese wushu sports since 1991.
We are the oldest wushu and taiji club in Finland, established in 1991.
Our club has approximately 300 active members.
We currently teach 3 different sports in our classes.
Helsingin Wushu ry is a member of the Finnish Wushu Federation, which was also established in 1991.
Our club members are also members of the International Wushu Federation through our national federation.
Our members participate annually in different competitions and events in Finland and abroad.
Co-operation across the country
Along with our own training, we are actively involved in the national level wushu activities. We co-operate with other Finnish wushu clubs by organising events, courses and camps together. Our teacher and head coach shifu Zhang Fang also visits the other clubs across the country regularly to give in-depth guidance for the members and taiji and wushu kungfu teachers.

The board of the club
Zhang Fang
The chair, master and head teacher
Minna Vehma
Member, vice-chairperson, financial management and bookkeeping
Taina Pääkkönen
Member, secretary
Satria Sutisna
Member, web updates, advertising, member registration administration
Tomi Laitinen
Deputy member
Tommi Ryyppö
Deputy member
Join our club
Would you like to join Helsingin Wushu ry? You can do so by filling out our application form and returning it to shifu Zhang Fang. The application can be found below or from our gym.
When your application is in order and your membership fee is paid, you will receive a stamped membership card from master Zhang.
Privacy policy
For more information regarding Helsingin Wushu ry’s privacy policy, please see our separate ‘Privacy policy’ page.